(Rumex sanguineus) or Blood Red Sorrel, seeds available from Baker's Heirloom Seeds
12---harvested Red Sorrel leaves and stems, simmered an hour, rich ruby dye, so
far. Added 2 Silk Scarves and 4 oz. Licorice Twist yarn from Dhama Trading, and 1 oz. skein of Gaia Organic 100% wool from Paradise Fibers. All had been previously mordanted in alum and soaked before adding to dye bath.
Heating it now, so far the dye bath is red, treated this very gently, and let sit overnight. The dye bath was a beautiful ruby color. Added the fibers the next morning, cold, and brought to low simmer.
Red scarf soon dries a lavender color
2 scarves came out maroon, drying to light purple, Gaia skein is very nice Oatmeal
color, Licorice Twist skein grayish purple, with darker twist
Scarf drying from dark maroon to mauve on wisteria vine